Sunday, December 27, 2020


1953                                       birth     1953
1956                                       moved to Montavilla from St Johns
1958                                       kindergarten, Vestal
1959                                       Elementary school, Ascension
1966                                       8th grade, Lynch Terrace 1967
1970                                       June 14, converted
1971                                       graduated Centennial 1971
1973                                       married RR MacPherson 1973
1974                                       1st child, born October 1974
1976                                       January - moved to Loleta, CA
1976                                       2nd child, April 1976
1976                                       May – moved to LA, CA
1976                                       July -  moved back to Oregon
1977                                       3rd child born, September 1977
1982                                       Divorced RR
1982                                       Started dating PTL and off/on visits
1984                                       Married LGN 1984
1990                                       January – Spain 1990
1990                                       Spring – moved out from LGN 1990
1990                                       May – made plans and paid deposit for El Paso, TX move
1990                                       Curt S John died and El Paso, TX plans were dropped
1990                                       Moved to St Johns
1991                                       January, got Housing Authority job and moved to Milwaukie
1991                                       Fall – divorced LGN 1991
1992                                       SCM off to college - Eugene
1992                                       met DP Lane 1991
1993                                       December, broke up DP Lane 1992
1994                                       Stolen Corolla, IJM’s first baby mama – IJM out
1994                                       Spring met DL Jones 1993
1994                                       PCC ITP program
1996                                       Graduated PCC 1996
1996                                       6 week Florida Camp Dundee
1997                                       Left DLJ (ish) and befriended DL1996
1998                                       September, moved to Pensacola, FL 1998
1998                                       PTL lived in PCola – saw him often
1999                                       DLJ says: Pancreatic Cancer 1999
1999                                       July flight to Tucson to help mom & PDX, see DLJ
1999                                       Aug 18, DLJ dies
1999                                       4th week of December, relocated home, PDX 1999
2000                                       Live in Hillsdale & work for various schools 2000
2000                                       Russ Platt became important in my life 2001
2001                                       Russ Platt died Oct 11
2001                                       PTL began to significantly WANE
2004                                       BR surgery 2004
2004                                       Multnomah, live with Kathy and date LH
2005                                       Break from LH 2004
3;">                                       Meet RJH 1/1/2006
2006                                       July 25 - Hired at Sorenson 2005
2006                                       August 25 – Buy house in Beaverton
2008                                       April - meet TPorter 2008
2009                                       January - Stop dating TPorter 2009
2009                                       May – Break my shoulder 2009
2014                                       MikeW and Knee Surgery 2014
2014                                       March serious complications and re-admittance hospital,
helped by MW (NEARLY died)
2015                                       Dec MW disappears 2014
2018                                       Sept/Oct.  DN. “I adore you...”
2018                                       April & June & September, Seattle Lipedema surgeries

/> 2019                                        Feb. DN “ Yeah. I wish you the best. But that’s me. So it sucks to be      you..”

2019                                      Oct.  retire/step down from FT at Sorenson
2020                                    March. WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC of Corona Virus and March through the rest of the year, we live quarantined, separated, masked and as of Christmas, there are 80.4 million cases of the disease, world wide and 1.76 MILLION deaths world wide; America has had 19,433, 847 deaths. We've voted out 45-the "DESPOT in a comb-over" and 1-20-21 there will be a new Democratic president, the former vice president, with Barack Obama, our new president will be Joe Biden. The VP, first woman ever, and a POC: Kamala Harris.
2020                                         NOV. My son, IJM has his SEVENTH daughter, born the day after my Mom's birthday. His kids are Ashley (Trina), Madison (Theresa), Mariah, Hailee (Lorrie), Tru, Callie and Remi (Tracey). (Moms in parentheses)     .”
STILL sporadically seeing RJH. The world is NOT in a "mood" for meeting people and I have given up all internet dating for the foreseeable future. 2021 same o-same-0. Covid still rages. RJH and me still rendevousing. Nearly died (with hyporthemia) in August at Clear Lake Resort in a SUP accident. By Sept. 2021. I was working full time from home only. Went to Seattle by plane at end of Sept - but missed the Van Gogh exhibit. October, my 2nd kid / oldest son had an EIGHTH daughter, named Charli. Rose and Karen joined me for my birthday in Astoria in Nov. Christmas 2021 was the shittiest ever in my life and my youngest son was cruel and manipulative and froze me out for 72 hours. He finally communicated on 12/26/21.

2021 A rerun of 2020. My youngest child, my son, is still living with me. I work from home for Sorenson. Life is limited, still with Covid; it has taken control of many things and pushed people out of our lives. Politically, the world is in two hemispheres and it has been a colander. Sift. Sift. Who is still remaining after the chaos? Christmas was snow and freezing rain and the whole family get-together, (FINALLY, which was killed in 2020), never was re=instated when the weather "bettered".

2022 I decidied in April of 2022: that I had my fill of Oregon. Sold my home in Beaverton, OR and moved to Anacortes, WA. I am living on an island (FIDALGO ISLAND) and have a tribe of support in Anacortes. I have the opportunity (nearly monthly) to be a vendor and sell my art. I have a home that I remodeled and have an office and 2 other bedrooms, 2 baths, a yard and a place for my hot tub. I am at the end of a green belt, and I am visited my deer, duck and bunnies. This is the retirement place to be! I traveled to Oregon for Christmas (barely); it was frigid and snowy and bleak and an uncomfortable visit. Chrstmas Eve was hosted by my sister, and I was ill and it is a blur to me. Family tensions were high; that is all I will say. I realized CHHRISTMAS MORNING that I had an ear infection. After tracking down an urgent care (open on Christmas Day in the greater Portlkand area, AND a pharmacy), I decided to leave Portland. I SLEPT AT EACH REST STOP IN WASHINGTON ALL THE WAY HOME, but I made it safely and sickly.

2023                                         />
Anacortes life has been good. I interpret from home and at the community college (a salvation to me.) I am still vendin"g my art monthly and (as of this writing) am approaching one full year of island life. I have visited Oregon (since departure, moving) - Aug, Sept, Dec, Feb, Mar, there will be a June visit; my granddaughter is graduating high school. "RETIRED LIFE" (mostly retired) is lovely and I am at peace here. At the beginning of living here, it felt like an Air Bnb. It is not 100% feeling like my home, but I am at peace here.

2024                                         />
is now concluded. Anacortes is still a good retired. life. There were quite a few Oregon trips and a few more unexpected trips to Oregon - the first is when my cousin (Ralph) died in a tragic way. this happened during a family Memorial Day BBQ, at his brother's - in Washington - he choked on steak. Heimlich (from the brother and nephew) did not save him and even the paramedics could not save him. This was witnessed by his nephew, his brother and his 98 year old mother. The following October-Oregon-visit was a wonderful LINCOLN CITY time with family for my daughter's 50th birthday, and before I left back to Anacortes, we were informed that Katie died, asleep in her favorite chair. I also went to Oregon for Christmas and had a wonderful time with family and 2 overnights in Albany. Regarding, art, there have been many more situations where "getting my feet wet"has increased and there were more opportunities for sales and exposure.

98221 gallery - twice in 2024

Accepted as a vendor to sell at AFM (Anacortes Farmers Market)

Accepted to a juried exhibit at Christenson's school house.

Sold art as part of Stanwood's Art In Publi Places.

Accepted as an artist in the Laconner cooperative gallery, since July 2024.

Accepted as the cover artist for SHOW-CHIME - and that will debut in Feb 2025.


-MLK day. decide to make a "KRYPTONITE" goodbye to RJH. "We have certainly done our share of starts and stops. I have been overly generous with accepting only crumbs. Crumbs are all he has. This doesn’t work for me." WHAT DOES IT MEAN? I AM SURE THAT AFTER THE HOLIDAY, THERE WILL BE SOME KIND OF INTENT-OF-CONTACT, and I will relent to a phone call. Futility is all I can see.

Ironically, I watched/binged the whole YOUNGER TV series, and when FINALLY, 2 of the romantic protaginists end up together (with all of the obstacles out of the way...), the next morning, not even looking at each other (in bed), she says "WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT, ARE WE?" He agrees. There had been so much "truth manipulation" and lies and secrets, that the doubts had not left them. HARD EfN TRUTH - THAT PLUS KRYPTONITE... so I said goodbye.

Monday, October 12, 2020

I want to age like sea glass

I want to age like sea glass. Smoothed by tides, not broken. I want the currents of life to toss me around, shake me up and leave me feeling washed clean. I want my hard edges to soften as the years pass—made not weak but supple. I want to ride the waves, go with the flow, feel the impact of the surging tides rolling in and out. When I am thrown against the shore and caught between the rocks and a hard place, I want to rest there until I can find the strength to do what is next. Not stuck—just waiting, pondering, feeling what it feels like to pause. And when I am ready, I will catch a wave and let it carry me along to the next place that I am supposed to be. I want to be picked up on occasion by an unsuspected soul and carried along—just for the connection, just for the sake of appreciation and wonder. And with each encounter, new possibilities of collaboration are presented, and new ideas are born. I want to age like sea glass so that when people see the old woman I’ll become, they’ll embrace all that I am. They’ll marvel at my exquisite nature, hold me gently in their hands and be awed by my well-earned patina. Neither flashy nor dull, just a perfect luster. And they’ll wonder, if just for a second, what it is exactly I am made of and how I got to this very here and now. And we’ll both feel lucky to be in that perfectly right place at that profoundly right time. I want to age like sea glass. I want to enjoy the journey and let my preciousness be, not in spite of the impacts of life, but because of them.
The Story Behind the Poem Growing up in New Jersey, the shore was a regular part of summer for Bernadette Noll and her family. They’d often go for day trips to Island Beach State Park and then head to Seaside Heights Boardwalk in the evening. For weeklong trips with her many cousins, they’d go to Ship Bottom on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. “My sister, Alma, collected all kinds of nature’s treasures,” says Bernadette. Alma was the second of nine children, and Bernadette was the eighth. “Alma made little magic wands out of sticks and string and rocks, she collected little bits on every walk or hike as if each time she went outside it was a treasure hunt. And a trip to the shore always included long walks on the beach either one on one or with little kids in tow.” Bernadette’s sister died suddenly in 2010. “Her last day of life was 10/10/10,” Bernadette recalls. She had spoken with her that night and life for Alma was good. She was happy and healthy and had a beautiful family and a satisfying job as the head of the Waldorf school in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. “That morning I got a call at 4:30 am that she was dead,” continues Bernadette. “We don’t know whether she fell down the stairs or whether she had an aneurysm that burst which made her fall. At that point, it didn’t really matter which it was because she was dead.” They gathered instantly as a family in Wisconsin and spent a full week celebrating Alma and being surrounded by love. “In life she taught me so much about everything! She was 12 years older and was my godmother,” Bernadette says. “She was a feminist and a human rights advocate and a gay woman and an adoptive mom and an all around voice for what is right. In death, there is a glory that is achieved, and she achieved that glory in her life, too. She was just a beautiful person. Since birth, because she was my godmother, she was my teacher, my friend, my other mother, and my advocate. Lucky, lucky me.” One day in 2014, Bernadette was walking on the beach, remembering her sister. She looked down and found a piece of blue sea glass. “The glass was light blue and somewhat clear. Beautiful. Soft. Tiny. With a slight curve,” says Bernadette. “I carried it in my pocket for a long time and whenever I touched it I thought of her. She loved sea glass.” Slowly a poem emerged as Bernadette pondered the meaning of life. “Alma died at 57, suddenly. What I learned from her death was that life is precious and meant to be joyful, full of beauty, and satisfying. Sea glass is kind of like that. Precious. Joyful. Beautiful. And satisfying.” The poem was originally published on Bernadette’s website and then on Huffington Post in 2014. At some point, a shop owner posted an edited version inside a fitting room door in a shop on Sanibel Island. “The photo went wildly around the internet,” laughs Bernadette. “So many people were sending it to me and asking, ‘Isn’t this your poem??’ There was no author credit. At first I was like What the heck?? Someone stole it!” But then Bernadette started getting notes from all around the world telling her how the poem had affected them in times of grief, loss, illness, or solitude. “So many beautiful and heartfelt messages!” adds Bernadette. “And, of course, mostly from women age 50 or over since the poem speaks of aging gracefully.” Bernadette has actually been to Sanibel quite a bit as her parents used to have a little trailer right near the entrance to the island. “So, that fact really made me kind of happy,” she says. Bernadette keeps herself more than busy, in the meantime. “I wear so many hats!” she exclaims. “I am a mom of four first and foremost, and still have two kiddos at home. I am a writer. I have three books out: Slow Family Living: 75 ways to slow down, connect and create more joy; Make Stuff Together, and Look At Us Now: a creative family journal. Most of my work now is teaching people to consume less, share more, and create more.” Bernadette does reduce and reuse education through Austin Creative Reuse and also on her own at Reduce Reuse Remake. “These things may seem unconnected, but really as I was writing so much about family life, I realized that kids and families were advertised to at a crazy rate and that consumerism was a big issue in family life,” she explains. “We live in such a throw-away society and I offer an antidote to this through my workshops and talks. Recently, I created Swag Lab which is a reuse, experiential swag experience for conferences and meetings.” In her workshops and events, Bernadette tries to make sure that there are no barriers to anyone and that everyone feels welcome. “What I know now, since my sister’s death, is that we are all one,” she says. “I saw a meme recently that asked, ‘How do we treat others? Answer: There are no others.’ I love this and I try to live it every day. At many of my events, I cry tears of joy seeing the cross section of humanity represented across race, age, gender, socio-economic class, and more!” Bernadette believes that doors should be open to all. “Y’all means all!” she affirms. “And if anything we do makes people feel victimized or unwelcome, we should take a look and see where they’re coming from and how we can ease their experience.” Bernadette’s beautiful poem echoes these same messages of wonder, possibility, and acceptance.

Learn more on Bernadette’s website at

"I want to age like sea glass" is copyrighted by Bernadette Noll. All rights reserved.

Great news! We worked with Bernadette to create a printed poster of the poem and it is available for purchase now! This article appeared in the Beachcombing Magazine January/February 2020 issue.

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Sunday, June 3, 2018

LEGS - quotes from Denise Bennett (and my own Lipedema story)

 Lipodema Legs - my story later,  and Denise Bennett's perspective, first.


By Denise Bennett

Nine years ago I had a total left knee replacement. I was 49 years old. It was one of the best decisions of my life. Here’s the reason why. Before my knee replacement, I thought about my knee all the time, and I do mean all the time. If I was awake, I was thinking about my knee. What time today would it become painful? Would those heels be comfortable to walk in all day? Would my day require me to walk further than would be comfortable? Could I ride my shopping cart across the grocery store parking lot to my car? Yes, I considered that.
When I first consulted with an orthopedic surgeon about my knee, he told me, “when your knee is making all of the decisions for you, you’ll let me know you are ready for surgery.” He was right. Finally, two years later, my knee was making all my decisions for me as to what I could and couldn’t do, what activities I could participate in, and even what shoes I could wear… and I love shoes.
Once I had the knee replacement, and was fully recovered, I realized one day that I no longer thought about my knee. I was whole again.
Since shortly after puberty, I have been thinking about my legs. My first recollections of being self-conscious of them came in high school gym class. We had to wear those totally unflattering one-piece jumpers, and believe me, there was no way to hide your legs in those things. I would strategically place myself in the back row during our exercise classes, hoping no one would notice that my legs were thick, and bumpy, my knees were bulging, and my arms were heavy.
As I got older, my hemline got longer, and finally I began to wear only long pants, never shorts, and stopped swimming in public pools. Hiding my legs was a daily part of my routine, not a part of my thoughts really, as I was living on autopilot. And then I learned about Lipedema. Legs suddenly became a part of my conscious thoughts. My daily thoughts were about my legs. When would I get a diagnosis? When would I find out if I could have surgery? Was it okay for me to spend money on getting my liposuction surgery? Then there was the countdown to my surgery dates. Legs. Legs. Legs.
before and after photos of legs | lipedema liposuction
After my surgeries, all I could think about was how good my legs felt. How small they looked. How they looked like someone else’s legs. How they were more swollen today. How they were skinny today. Did they look lumpy? Do they look ok? Is the Lipedema coming back? Is my compression garment tight enough? Do these jeans make my legs look thinner? Thicker? Longer? Legs. Legs. Legs.
So my answer to the questions, “Will I ever stop thinking about my legs?” is this. Perhaps not. I have been worried about them, I have hated them, for far too many years to be able to imagine that I will stop thinking about them. What I am hoping for is this. That I will be more grateful to them. More appreciative of them. Thank them for carrying a heavy burden for so many years. Caress them for holding me up, never failing me, allowing me to have the rich, wonderful life that I have lived. They are not perfect. They will never be perfect.
Here is my goal. I want to change “thinking” to “thanking”. Will I ever stop thanking my legs? No. Thank you, beautiful, healthy, sturdy, wonderful legs. Smile.

These are my legs. They have served me well for the past 57 years, and I am grateful. Despite that, I am happy to be on a journey that allows me to say goodbye to them.. at least to the way they look and the pain and shame they bring. In March 2017 I was diagnosed with lipedema, a genetic fat disorder that causes my legs to accumulate painful fat that it out of proportion with the rest of my body and causes complications as it progresses. I am having two surgeries in 45 and 48 days to get rid of it! I am thrilled, excited, and scared. Despite success in losing 80 lbs over the last 18 months, my legs remain the same. They do not respond to diet or exercise.
This disease is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, as was mine until this year. I have searched for answers for 25 years. No one knew what was wrong. Vascular specialists, general practitioners, dermatologists, endocrinologists, weight loss specialists… no one had answers as to why my legs were disproportionate, painful, bruised easily, impacted my gait, and the countless other symptoms I experienced. In March, finally a diagnosis of lipedema gave me the peace I needed to know that I was not alone! Since puberty, my legs had been the enemy, and now I understood why, and have a path to a solution.
After much self research, explaining to physicians who knew nothing about this disease, getting surgical approval, selecting a specialist in Atlanta, Georgia, and making lifestyle changes and getting conservative treatments, I am scheduled for surgery on November 7 and 10, 2017. I am writing this blog for those of you who are interested in following my journey, and so that you will learn more about this disorder that many women have and few know about. Thank you for your interest as I begin to share my story… a story that began more than 40 years ago!

As I headed toward surgery in Fall, 2017 had a lot of expectations; some were far fetched, but most were realistic. Recovery has had some minor surprises, such as the changes in leg shape from day to day, the surprising amount of time I spend looking at them and the deeply emotional aspect of the changes taking place in my body. If you’ve had surgery, you know what I’m talking about.
I am a swimmer. I have always been a swimmer. Athletically, once I started gaining wait after puberty, it was the activity that I was best at, and loved. We had a pool growing up, and I was practically a fish.
One year, our family was on a camping vacation in Ontario at Rushing River Provencial Park. I was around 11 years old. My dad was a good swimmer, and it was one of the few, fun activities that we did together when I was young girl. Rushing River had a huge boulder in the middle of the river, outside of the appropriately marked off swimming area. This boulder was 12 feet by 15 feet, and about 50 yards out. My two younger brothers, my dad and I, were swimming in the roped off area. My dad let me swim out with him to the boulder, making sure my brothers stayed behind the ropes. It was a huge moment for me, and one I often recall, and have heard my dad brag about. All this really to say that I have always been comfortable and confident in the water.
We have a pool at our home here in Texas. By early May, I was in. I had not been swimming since before my surgeries in November and March. After swimming laps one day, I decided to just relax, and float around the pool basking in the coolness of the water and the warmth of the Sun. I stretched out, relaxed my body and waited for my legs to float to the top.
Didn’t happen.
I tried again.
Nope. Legs keep sinking to about a 45 degree angle.
“Okay,” I thought. “This must have something to do with the loss of calf fat.”
Interesting. Hadn’t even considered this effect.
So, I tried sitting and laying in the bottom of the pool, in the deep end. Haven’t even tried doing this in decades.
Now, not a problem.
Unanticipated change after surgery: I am not a flotation device. I am not a bobber.
Byrd Legs Don’t Float!

This time, Donna writes about her arms:

                                                    LIPEDEMA: MY JOURNEY

My story is very similar to the one above. So much that I share Donna's inspiration and journey first.
Here are just a few pictures that show what my legs were like, even in earlier years,


- -Even in my thirties, here; my legs are kinda thin but tender and stumpy legs. .

Knee surgery - I had knee surgery, too. I got a full right knee replacement in 2014.
My right knee, which was entirely bone-on-bone and slipping off towards the outside of my leg - causing pain clear from hip to ankle needed replacement.  I twas not a great result for me right away.  I did not recover well, due to pulmonary embolisms and C-Diff infection.  They expected me to die.  Clearly - I did not. Even then, I knew I had Lipedema, but had no answers or solutions.

When it comes to Lipedema, I knew I had it, and I knew a little about it, and I tried many options, to no avail. Dead ends and people not believing me, (including my own doctor -who would not record that diagnosis - but was willing to call it Lymphedema). i tried acupressure and acupuncture and gym memberships and trainers and hypnosis and cycling; I tried so many ways to do something - but all that happened was my legs got larger.  My legs got larger. 

In Jan, 2017, after a significant amount of research and a trip to a ridiculously expensive doctor, a Lipedema surgeon. (who would NOT bill insurance) in Beverly Hills, CA , I was mostly financially so discouraged, and figured I would have to give up.  Their was only One-Good-Thing that happened about flying to LA - the doctor referred me to a Facebook Lipedema page; it was rife with info and I found other patients-like me.  Long-story short: I found a surgeon in Seattle, WA. For me, that is only a 3 hour drive.  I went in February 2018 (and expected a denial from my UHC insurance).

To my surprise -there was no denial, but an approval and a surgery date.  This physician: (Dr. Peter Neligan), suggested one leg at a time surgeries - 3 months apart, for maximum recovery.  I scheduled  my first surgery on April 3, 2018 - my age, 64.  Here is an initial surgery pic.

When I woke, after being wheeled out of surgery, I wept uncontrollably; I pulled the covers back and looked at this wrapped leg with hysterical tears of joy, I wept. The doc removed 6.2 L. I had Ortho-Static Hypo-Tension (I could not get my BP up to normal numbers.) They kept me overnight and then released me to my cousin the next day. I stayed with her for ten days, before I was released to return home after the first post op.

Even though - while still recuperating at my cousin's, the right size is still large  - I immediately had an ankle! The non-surgery leg was so gross. I emotionally struggled with so much change. DOCUMENTING, WITH PICTURES, AS IT GOES, HAS BEEN HELPFUL.

 My son took me biking only twenty days after surgery. It is a big step to be able to try - to start to return to normal activity!  Look at how different it is from the  first surgery and NO surgery yet.

This is my BAGGY PANT LEG Pic. I had to start pegging my clothes (only one pant leg at a time - initially). Why get a WHOLE new wardrobe?

Mother's Day. May dress. one leg - double (or one leg half) it is a matter of perspective. 



       The above pictures shows a great progressions picture, two weeks and eight week apart!

                          Pegged those jeans - Yes, weight loss is happening!

Had to take pix. Last day of being lippy legged! June 24, 2018. Surgery 6/25/18

  When I had the second surgery (June 24), again, IAgain, this second time, I had Ortho-Static Hypo-Tension (I could not get my BP up to normal numbers.) They kept me overnight, this time (unlike most of my life) I vomited several times with the Hypotension - nausea.  The next day (as before), I was released to my cousin. I stayed with her for seven days, before being released to return home to have my post op appointment with my PCP.

Here are my surgery legs, bruised, while still in Seattle. Thighs! Ah, they are so much slower to heal than calves.

    Right after surgery, comparing two new legs. 6/24 looks so different from 6/25! ANKLES!

Sitting around with my legs propped, feels indulgent and too sedentary, but it is OH SO NECESSARY!

These are the boots that I WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ABLE TO WEAR; I ordered them online, and now that I have ankles and skinnier legs - well--- hot damn!

I took this before going to the pool in Albuqurque:

  It was a heat-challenge to be in compression with temps in the mid 90s to 110, in New Mexico,  It was only bearable indoors. In the following pics, I was over heating..

                              Me on vacation - Santa Fe. Compression sox, but lil legs. This is only three weeks post op!

Still,  Santa Fe; the Airbnb hostess asked if I didn't mind her observation - left leg still looks larger. 
YUP!  It was only three weeks post-op.    It takes time! I wasn't at ALL offended,

                More - Santa Fe and/or Albuquerqure; , dressed for a fancy banquet.                        
                 My arms have Lipedema and the both- arm surgery will be Sept, 24.

I have to do a lot of zoom (on the pic)  to make the arms not be profound.

                                                                                                There ya go!

                                                                                            I like this pic of me.

   This pair of pj bottoms have not been worn for about 15 years, (iIn the hopes of skinny) - I never thought surgery would be the answer! Thighs fit now AND the calves would not fit into these pjs before at all. I even had to peg them.

Boots I used to wear - LOOK AT THE LEG ROOM!

Bought a wrist-Fitbit. Getting out walking now.

Propped feet, little ankles half calf leggings.

 The boots and dress and leggings look.

WOW. A whole arm fits in their with the leg. These boots were too tight, before surgery
 - and now? LOOSE!

These are "I went shopping and I am down three pants sizes pics!"

 This is a September 5 picture. The slippers are worn with compression (footed) sox and the second picture shows that more up close.  These legs. These legs look normal.  Will I ever focus on anything else? As mentioned above (from Denise Bennett), I think about them a lot and look at them in a mirror more than once daily.) What was once a cause of shame - is now just something looking normal.)  A lovely benefit, (and I have always BEEN a cautious eater.) is weight loss. Since before the first surgery, as of 9/6/18, I have lost 37 lbs.)

A few other progress pix:
Boots? Are you  kidding me? NOPE!


These pix show the unflattering arms.


This is my three month Post op pic and my pre-op for the arm surgery on Sept. 24.  Huge Huge Huge gown. I am awaiting the doc to approve good healing and on to the arms surgery.

I have now had my third and last surgery of 2018 - the arms. 

            Here are a series of pics in that category.   These are arms pics that are before surgery:


       This next pic is Aug 2018  Legs done and arms still "lippy".

    In the AFTER pictures (below), You'll see the difference from this next gray sweater picture:

- Pre surgery - the morning of 800 ccs removed from each. Day of Admission - 
  Doc was worried still have Ortho-Static Hypo-Tension, so - it was an automatic overnight stay.
 Ironically, this time, I did not need it. No worries on the financial front, I had already met my insurance "Out of Pocket" max, somewhere in the second surgery - so ALL THIS - covered at 100%. 

Here is two days later, when the bandages are removed. My cousin thinks (going thru this), I am Wonder Woman - thus the mask.

Here is a comparison pic, after I returned to Oregon.

These are 10 days post - op and release to go home pix. "Big-Ol-Bruises!"

The arms extended pic has to be done in halves. Weird looking, I know - this is 10/21. Almost an exact month of recovery.


This is a significant comparison picture in the same sweater and what my arms look like in Dec, 2018 - and my legs. I am feeling great and the compression is almost never worn.  
I feel great and am looking great! I am back to a gym membership, and I go to swim aerobics one-two times a week.
I had always heard it was good for me, but I was too self-body-shaming to be in a swimsuit.
Times change.

This is mid September 2019
65 (and 10 months old)


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