Sunday, December 27, 2020


1953                                       birth     1953
1956                                       moved to Montavilla from St Johns
1958                                       kindergarten, Vestal
1959                                       Elementary school, Ascension
1966                                       8th grade, Lynch Terrace 1967
1970                                       June 14, converted
1971                                       graduated Centennial 1971
1973                                       married RR MacPherson 1973
1974                                       1st child, born October 1974
1976                                       January - moved to Loleta, CA
1976                                       2nd child, April 1976
1976                                       May – moved to LA, CA
1976                                       July -  moved back to Oregon
1977                                       3rd child born, September 1977
1982                                       Divorced RR
1982                                       Started dating PTL and off/on visits
1984                                       Married LGN 1984
1990                                       January – Spain 1990
1990                                       Spring – moved out from LGN 1990
1990                                       May – made plans and paid deposit for El Paso, TX move
1990                                       Curt S John died and El Paso, TX plans were dropped
1990                                       Moved to St Johns
1991                                       January, got Housing Authority job and moved to Milwaukie
1991                                       Fall – divorced LGN 1991
1992                                       SCM off to college - Eugene
1992                                       met DP Lane 1991
1993                                       December, broke up DP Lane 1992
1994                                       Stolen Corolla, IJM’s first baby mama – IJM out
1994                                       Spring met DL Jones 1993
1994                                       PCC ITP program
1996                                       Graduated PCC 1996
1996                                       6 week Florida Camp Dundee
1997                                       Left DLJ (ish) and befriended DL1996
1998                                       September, moved to Pensacola, FL 1998
1998                                       PTL lived in PCola – saw him often
1999                                       DLJ says: Pancreatic Cancer 1999
1999                                       July flight to Tucson to help mom & PDX, see DLJ
1999                                       Aug 18, DLJ dies
1999                                       4th week of December, relocated home, PDX 1999
2000                                       Live in Hillsdale & work for various schools 2000
2000                                       Russ Platt became important in my life 2001
2001                                       Russ Platt died Oct 11
2001                                       PTL began to significantly WANE
2004                                       BR surgery 2004
2004                                       Multnomah, live with Kathy and date LH
2005                                       Break from LH 2004
3;">                                       Meet RJH 1/1/2006
2006                                       July 25 - Hired at Sorenson 2005
2006                                       August 25 – Buy house in Beaverton
2008                                       April - meet TPorter 2008
2009                                       January - Stop dating TPorter 2009
2009                                       May – Break my shoulder 2009
2014                                       MikeW and Knee Surgery 2014
2014                                       March serious complications and re-admittance hospital,
helped by MW (NEARLY died)
2015                                       Dec MW disappears 2014
2018                                       Sept/Oct.  DN. “I adore you...”
2018                                       April & June & September, Seattle Lipedema surgeries

/> 2019                                        Feb. DN “ Yeah. I wish you the best. But that’s me. So it sucks to be      you..”

2019                                      Oct.  retire/step down from FT at Sorenson
2020                                    March. WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC of Corona Virus and March through the rest of the year, we live quarantined, separated, masked and as of Christmas, there are 80.4 million cases of the disease, world wide and 1.76 MILLION deaths world wide; America has had 19,433, 847 deaths. We've voted out 45-the "DESPOT in a comb-over" and 1-20-21 there will be a new Democratic president, the former vice president, with Barack Obama, our new president will be Joe Biden. The VP, first woman ever, and a POC: Kamala Harris.
2020                                         NOV. My son, IJM has his SEVENTH daughter, born the day after my Mom's birthday. His kids are Ashley (Trina), Madison (Theresa), Mariah, Hailee (Lorrie), Tru, Callie and Remi (Tracey). (Moms in parentheses)     .”
STILL sporadically seeing RJH. The world is NOT in a "mood" for meeting people and I have given up all internet dating for the foreseeable future. 2021 same o-same-0. Covid still rages. RJH and me still rendevousing. Nearly died (with hyporthemia) in August at Clear Lake Resort in a SUP accident. By Sept. 2021. I was working full time from home only. Went to Seattle by plane at end of Sept - but missed the Van Gogh exhibit. October, my 2nd kid / oldest son had an EIGHTH daughter, named Charli. Rose and Karen joined me for my birthday in Astoria in Nov. Christmas 2021 was the shittiest ever in my life and my youngest son was cruel and manipulative and froze me out for 72 hours. He finally communicated on 12/26/21.

2021 A rerun of 2020. My youngest child, my son, is still living with me. I work from home for Sorenson. Life is limited, still with Covid; it has taken control of many things and pushed people out of our lives. Politically, the world is in two hemispheres and it has been a colander. Sift. Sift. Who is still remaining after the chaos? Christmas was snow and freezing rain and the whole family get-together, (FINALLY, which was killed in 2020), never was re=instated when the weather "bettered".

2022 I decidied in April of 2022: that I had my fill of Oregon. Sold my home in Beaverton, OR and moved to Anacortes, WA. I am living on an island (FIDALGO ISLAND) and have a tribe of support in Anacortes. I have the opportunity (nearly monthly) to be a vendor and sell my art. I have a home that I remodeled and have an office and 2 other bedrooms, 2 baths, a yard and a place for my hot tub. I am at the end of a green belt, and I am visited my deer, duck and bunnies. This is the retirement place to be! I traveled to Oregon for Christmas (barely); it was frigid and snowy and bleak and an uncomfortable visit. Chrstmas Eve was hosted by my sister, and I was ill and it is a blur to me. Family tensions were high; that is all I will say. I realized CHHRISTMAS MORNING that I had an ear infection. After tracking down an urgent care (open on Christmas Day in the greater Portlkand area, AND a pharmacy), I decided to leave Portland. I SLEPT AT EACH REST STOP IN WASHINGTON ALL THE WAY HOME, but I made it safely and sickly.

2023                                         />
Anacortes life has been good. I interpret from home and at the community college (a salvation to me.) I am still vendin"g my art monthly and (as of this writing) am approaching one full year of island life. I have visited Oregon (since departure, moving) - Aug, Sept, Dec, Feb, Mar, there will be a June visit; my granddaughter is graduating high school. "RETIRED LIFE" (mostly retired) is lovely and I am at peace here. At the beginning of living here, it felt like an Air Bnb. It is not 100% feeling like my home, but I am at peace here.

2024                                         />
is now concluded. Anacortes is still a good retired. life. There were quite a few Oregon trips and a few more unexpected trips to Oregon - the first is when my cousin (Ralph) died in a tragic way. this happened during a family Memorial Day BBQ, at his brother's - in Washington - he choked on steak. Heimlich (from the brother and nephew) did not save him and even the paramedics could not save him. This was witnessed by his nephew, his brother and his 98 year old mother. The following October-Oregon-visit was a wonderful LINCOLN CITY time with family for my daughter's 50th birthday, and before I left back to Anacortes, we were informed that Katie died, asleep in her favorite chair. I also went to Oregon for Christmas and had a wonderful time with family and 2 overnights in Albany. Regarding, art, there have been many more situations where "getting my feet wet"has increased and there were more opportunities for sales and exposure.

98221 gallery - twice in 2024

Accepted as a vendor to sell at AFM (Anacortes Farmers Market)

Accepted to a juried exhibit at Christenson's school house.

Sold art as part of Stanwood's Art In Publi Places.

Accepted as an artist in the Laconner cooperative gallery, since July 2024.

Accepted as the cover artist for SHOW-CHIME - and that will debut in Feb 2025.


-MLK day. decide to make a "KRYPTONITE" goodbye to RJH. "We have certainly done our share of starts and stops. I have been overly generous with accepting only crumbs. Crumbs are all he has. This doesn’t work for me." WHAT DOES IT MEAN? I AM SURE THAT AFTER THE HOLIDAY, THERE WILL BE SOME KIND OF INTENT-OF-CONTACT, and I will relent to a phone call. Futility is all I can see.

Ironically, I watched/binged the whole YOUNGER TV series, and when FINALLY, 2 of the romantic protaginists end up together (with all of the obstacles out of the way...), the next morning, not even looking at each other (in bed), she says "WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT, ARE WE?" He agrees. There had been so much "truth manipulation" and lies and secrets, that the doubts had not left them. HARD EfN TRUTH - THAT PLUS KRYPTONITE... so I said goodbye.

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